Sunday, November 22, 2009

The great 'CRU Hack' caper

If you haven't heard by now, you will sooner or later. The Climate Research Unit, which keeps all the temperature stats that keeps the global warming propaganda machine going, was apparently hacked this past week. The hacker put online all the emails pertaining to the "massaging" of temp data that seems to go on at CRU. If legitimate, the hacked emails reveal, in my view, the wholesale mockery of truth and public trust.

Could this revelation be on the scale as the Pentagon Papers, or some other event, where an evil (hacking) uncovers a greater evil (large scale lying to the worldwide public)?

Again, if the emails are proven legitimate, it shows that major figures in the global warming debate are more concerned with agenda, than they are with the truth.

For more elucidation on the subject, I refer you to Robert Murphy's blog, Free Advice.

Where are all the war protesters?

I can't seem to find all the sign waving citizens of conscience on my drive in to work anymore, even driving around town at other times. If my sources at Fox News are correct, we still have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. I kind of remember promises made by a certain political candidate last year, I believe it was for President, and the guy said he was going to end the war and bring the troops home.

Now the protesters from last year are missing in action. We need to find them. Something has happened to them. I have a bad feeling about this that something has befallen them. Could it be political expediency? Naw, how could I think of such a thing! Maybe war under a greater man makes it palatable to them.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Michael Moore is a big fat turd

The people of the Gulf Coast are, according to my fellow Flint Michigan native, Michael Moore, a part of God's plan to punish and embarrass the Republicans on the eve of their nominating convention in Minnesota. How dare you relish, Mr. Moore, the death and destruction of countless lives for your political goals! You embarrass yourself, your family, and anybody connected to you with your evil words. Yes, we well know that you hate George W. Bush, but do people have do die from a hurricane for you to get your political goals met?

Quote, "
I was just thinking, this Gustav is proof that there is a God in heaven. To have it planned at the same time – that it would actually be on its way to New Orleans for day one of the Republican Convention, up in the Twin Cities – at the top of the Mississippi River."

Moore later came to his senses and tried to talk civilly that he hoped that everyone will be ok, but the true colors are exposed.

Michael Moore you are a big fat turd!